The Human Pelvis is a cavity with a complex structure of organs, vessels, nerves and viscera which are in close anatomical and functional relationships. Multiple pathologies develop and cause symptoms which overlap between specialties. Modern medicine is practiced through extreme specialisation, which, for all its strengths, brings also a weakness: it causes the loss of a global view of the patient. Multi-disciplinary work is the answer to this weakness, by putting the minds of more specialties again together we reinstate a holistic approach to the patient and disease. Nowhere is this more true than in problems of the pelvis which require the collaboration of rectal surgeons, gynaecologists, urologists, gastroenterologists, radiologists, spinal specialists and physiotherapists. The aim of the International Society of Pelvic Surgery is to promote multi-disciplinary work for a holistic approach to the pathologies of the pelvis.
Who we are
The Society is an international non-profit organisation with the aim to promote medical, scientific and educational activities. The Society aims to promote, publicise and fund research into pelvic pathologies in every possible way. Members are medical doctors and surgeons, clinicians and academics, and other health professionals of several specialties with an interest in pelvic pathologies, both benign and malignant.
Pelvic Tumours
Pelvic tumours may originate from a variety of organs and tissues, and they pose challenges of resectability and curability. A great challenge is preservation of quality of life. Multi-disciplinary work of cancer specialists, surgeons, with modalities such as surgery, radiotherapy, brachytherapy, cyberknife, chemotherapy with biological agents and immunotherapy provide options of treatment.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvic organ prolapse takes several forms depending on the predominant symptom, which determines who the patient sees first for help. Sooner or later multi-disciplinary collaboration is necessary for most cases.
Pelvic Multi-Disciplinary Meeting
All hospitals conducting surgery of the pelvis, for benign conditions or tumours, should consider establishing pelvic MDM -multidisciplinary meetings- for discussion of all complex patients and optimal planning of treatment.